Hi, I’m Kim.

And I’m passionate about helping dental
hygienists stay mentally & physically
resilient throughout their careers.

And I’m passionate about helping dental
hygienists stay mentally & physically
resilient throughout their careers.

Are you a dental hygienist who’s constantly battling musculoskeletal pain from long hours of repetitive strain, finding it hard to catch a break for your own health and fitness?

Or maybe you’re dealing with mental burnout, feeling the weight of your demanding role but unsure how to incorporate self-care without compromising your professional responsibilities?

Maybe you’re ready to prioritize your own well-being but feel lost on where to start?

You’re in the right place, my friend!

I’ve been practicing dental hygiene since 2011, and in that time I have learned a lot! I’ve learned how to stretch and strengthen my body (and mind) to keep up with the demands of dental hygiene.

Wide Legged Forward Fold

I’ve also learned what not to do…

Let’s face it, although we know that prevention through proper ergonomics and equipment is ideal… it’s also not always possible in the real world! It sounds great until you have a live patient in your chair who can’t recline or a squirming child who doesn’t want to “open wide”. We all compensate with our bodies, especially in the operatory.

I’ve learned not to ignore my posture. Now, this doesn’t just mean sitting up straight. I am mindfully checking in with myself while I work.

Are my shoulders raised? Am I tilting my head? Am I leaning toward one side? Am I clenching a certain muscle or group of muscles?

I’ve also learned not to just bottle up my stress. I used to just watch the clock—ENDLESSLY! Time will always continue to be my biggest stressor in the op (I hate running late!)

But when I remember to focus on the task at hand and BREATHE, the appointment time runs like clockwork (pun definitely intended 😉).

Incorporating breathwork into my day has eased my stress and anxiety immensely—as well as daily yoga with meditation.

And the biggest thing I’ve learned is to prioritize myself. I used to skip bathroom breaks, water breaks, and forget about snack breaks! Because again… I was so afraid of running late.

Now? I’ve realized what little time it truly takes to meet these silly basic human needs, and how running 5 minutes late is better than being grumpy or shaky because I’m hangry!

Bad Leads to Bad…

As hygienists, repetitive movements lead to repetitive strain, and—you guessed it—persistent pain. And when we have persistent pain, we compensate as we move to avoid triggering that pain.

Now factor in the additional compensating we do for our patients (remember the squirming child I mentioned above?)

This begins to cause muscle imbalances and fascial adhesions (aka “trigger points” or “muscle knots”).

In my first few years of working full-time, I found myself to be a regular patient at the chiropractor.

My moods were heavily dependent on how I was feeling physically that day.

dental mouth mirror and explorer

Good Leads to Good!

We don’t always have the option to stop doing the thing that causes the pain, but we can build strength and mobility to be resilient while we do it.

By correcting my muscle imbalances—which were the root of my pain—through yoga, functional strength training (targeting hygiene-specific muscles), and myofascial release techniques, I now practice dental hygiene pain-free. Do I still have flare-ups? Sure, I’m human! But I’m able to bounce back quickly.


I had a rough stretch of burnout when COVID hit.

Like many, getting back to work after the shutdown was extremely difficult for me. The landscape of dentistry was so different. I hated the PPE, I hated interacting with other people, and I hated hygiene. I was really struggling.

I distracted myself by getting certified in yoga, meditation, breathwork, personal training, and fitness nutrition.

But by the fall of 2021, I was at my wit’s end with dentistry. I quit my job with no plan in place.

After I spiraled for a few weeks, I decided I could temp while I figured things out.


Flipping my perspective…

That first temp job turned out to be the best practice I’ve ever been in. I joke that I was never officially hired… I was just a temp that never left. 😂

I also struck a balance between doing hygiene part-time and starting this business.

I’ve learned how my mental health affects my physical health and vice versa. It’s not either or—it’s both.

What is functional fitness?

Most people think of functional exercises as ones that help us get up from a chair, carry a box, etc. And they are! They do all of that for us and more. In short: It’s training specifically for the thing you want to be able to do with more ease.

Functional fitness exercises will vary from person to person because they’re exercises that stretch and strengthen our bodies to support us with whatever task we need. (Think: Grabbing the suction with your non-dominant hand without bracing for shoulder pain!)

I know, personally, how pain can affect your actions and thoughts. Living in constant pain is depressing and seriously hinders how you interact with others daily. As hygienists, we interact with patients all day long. We need to feel good both mentally and physically.

Dancer Pose

My interesting resumé

I started college as a dance major. Working in a dental office while in school, I realized I loved the clinical setting. So, I transferred schools and switched my major.

Becoming a dental hygienist is still one of my greatest accomplishments.

But I missed moving my body! I found a love for yoga and getting teacher certified seemed like the logical next step. That certification led to more (remember, good leads to good 😉). So, I just kept piling them on—meditation, breathwork, personal training, and fitness nutrition.

I understand the challenges you face, from muscle imbalances to the need for mindful wellness, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.

You’ve invested a lot in yourself through schooling and maintaining your license. But if your body breaks down, what was it all for? Continue investing in yourself, both mentally and physically!

Yoga Mat

Ready to Get Moving?

Prep yourself for the dental hygiene workday with a dynamic warmup designed to prime your body for a full day of patient care!

Read My blog

Discover strategies designed to boost your health, energy, and job satisfaction, all in one place.

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